Download RPG Mapper

RPG Mapper requires version 1.4 of the Java Runtime Environment to run.  You can download the JRE from the Java web page.  If you do not plan on developing any Java applications, then choose the correct JRE link for your system.  Due to the way the download is set up, I can not link directly to various system's JREs, but the table is not too complex and you should be able to figure it out.  Netscape 4 users will want to know that the "DOWNLOAD" images are form submission buttons and can be clicked on to start the download process even though the hand cursor will not display.

(If you do plan on developing Java applications, choose either the SDK or Forte/SDK link.)

The current version is 0.5.0.

Download RPG Mapper 0.5.0

The zip file contains the rpgmapper.jar and a couple of text files describing the program.  Future versions may include an actual installer JAR, and possibly even a Java Web Start based installer.

Installation Instructions

Unzip the package whereever you please, and execute the rpgmapper.jar file in order to run the program.  You may also use the rpgmapper.bat and the scripts to run the program on Windows and UNIX respectively.

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